“When you want something, all the universe conspires in helping you to achieve it.” Paulo Coelho

Mar 26, 2010

I swear...

sorry for the big window... this is the original video and I wanted you 2 see the tears

Ne Yo - Part of the list

Style of your hair,
shape of your eyes and your nose,
the way you stare
As if you see, right through to my soul,

It's your left hand and the way
that it's not quite as big as your right,
the way you stand in the mirror
before we go out at night,

Our quiet time,
your beautiful mind,

They're a part of the list.
Things that I miss.
Things like your funny little laugh,
the way you smile or the way we kiss.

What I noticed is this:
I come up with
something new, every single time
that I sit and reminisce.

The way you sweet smell
lingers when you leave a room,
(you leave a room)
Stories you tell as we lay
in bed all afternoon.
(all afternoon)

I dreamed you now every night
in my mind is where we meet.
(my mind is where we meet)
and when I'm awake
staring at pictures of you asleep.

Touching your face,
invading you space.

They're a part of the list.
Things that I miss.
Things like your funny little laugh,
the way you smile or the way we kiss.

What I noticed is this:
I come up with
something new, every single time
that I sit and reminisce.

Oooh, and you'll live in my memories forever more I swear.
And you'll live in my memories forever more I swear.

They're a part of the list.
Things that I miss.
Things like your funny little laugh,
the way you smile, or the way we kiss.

What I noticed is this:
I come up with
something new, every single time
that I sit and reminisce.

Mar 25, 2010

Smile :)

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* A smile is a facial expression formed by flexing those muscles most notably near both ends of the mouth.
* Among humans, it is customarily an expression denoting pleasure, happiness, or amusement, but can also be an involuntary expression of anxiety, in which case it is known as a grimace.

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* Cross-cultural studies have shown that smiling is used as a means of communicating emotions throughout the world.

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Happiness is most often the motivating cause of a smile.
* Among animals, the exposure of teeth, which may bear a resemblance to a smile, is often used as a threat or warning display—known as a snarl—or a sign of submission. In chimpanzees, it can also be a sign of fear.

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* Laughter is an audible expression or the appearance of happiness, or an inward feeling of joy (laughing on the inside). It may ensue (as a physiological reaction) from jokes, tickling or other stimuli. It is in most cases a very pleasant sensation.

Mar 20, 2010


......keresek valamit..loholok egy delibab utan ami valoszinu hogy orok homallya alakult a szemem elott.. pedig itt volt es megfogtam. Velem volt es ereztem. Emlekszem ra, mindig emlekszem minden pillanatra, minden percre. Alig fogtam meg.. meg csak nem is birtokoltam es ugy veszitettem el, hogy abban a pillanatban nem gondoltam hianyara. A kezemben tartottam az egesz tenger egy darabkajat: egy marok sos vizet, amely husitett, kellemes tarsam volt es kicsorgott a tenyerembol.
...erdekes az ember. Az erzeseit nem tudja megmagyarazni, olyan eszkozokhoz folyamodik, hogy szavakba onti, megprobalja peldazni a leirhatatlant es kitolodik. Nem talalja el, csak ritkan az igazi hasonlosagot a gondolt es kimondott szo kozott.
Delibabot kerget.
Lehet soha nem tudja megfogni...lehet soha nem tudja megertetni azt amit szivbol szeretne hogy megertsenek.
Megfontolja hogy feladja, de azt is h mi lesz akkor, ha nem adja fol es sikerul neki.
Mennyire nem nezunk magunkba es mennyire kikeruli a figyelmunket a sajat magunk bennso nagysaga. Mindenre van ido es magyarazat, mindent el tudunk erni, ha igazan akarunk de ellentetben ezzel, sokszor keptelenek vagyunk megfogalmazni es elmondani hogy mi van bennt. Felunk hogy kitarjuk a "titkot" es egy olyan vilagot mutatunk be masoknak ahol konnyen sebezhetove valunk. Pedig ez az emberi ertekunk. EZ kozlesre melto. Ugy kell felvazolni, ugy kell elmondani ahogy jon.
Ne kergess delibabokat, mert csak magad csapod be.
Masokat tevesztessz meg hamis hasonlatokkal es maskent itelnek meg mint ami e vagy.
A szarkatol sokan felnek-fekete a tolla. Miert lenne neked az jo, hogy kulsosegek utan iteljenek meg? TE nemesebb vagy ennel. Tobb es ertekesebb, csak merd megmutatni szineidet. Ne kergesd a delibabot.
Sokszor ugy erzed, es kimondod "En nem ezt erdemlem", gyotrodsz h masok torzkent latjak a szemelyiseged es nem kapod azt amit adsz.
Nem is adod.
Ha ezt kapod, hamisan adod.Fekete tollu madar vagy, akit mindenki masnak lat. Nem vagy te es nem is tudnak HOZZAD ferni. Torz erzest kapsz a torz felvazolasert. Mert be kell lasd h nem voltal oszinte magadhoz sem.
Hogy ne erjen csalodas masoktol, nyitnod kell: kifele is kell elj... a belso szineidre hidd el, masnak is szuksege van. Engedd h meglasson. Nem kell delibabot kergess.. csak magad amitanad. Igy konnyebb lesz megtalani a szavakat, melyeket mar keresni sem kell...(...)

Mar 16, 2010

O Nunta Perfecta 2010

updo: just simple ~ photo by Borzas Istvan

having a good time:) ~ photo by Borzas Istvan

and the final step ~ photo by Sergiu Cioban

Mar 12, 2010

O Nunta Perfecta 2010

start: makeup

next: hairstyling

~The Bride~

~The Model: B. Bernadette, The Photographer: Sergiu Cioban, The Hairstylist: Me :P

Mar 11, 2010

Under the Iron Sea ~ Keane


I hope all my days will be lit by your face
I hope all the years will hold tight our promises
I don't want to be old and sleep alone
An empty house is not a home
I don't want to be old and feel afraid

I don't want to be old and sleep alone
An empty house is not a home
I don't want to be old and feel afraid

And if I need anything at all
I need a place that's hidden in the deep
Where lonely angels sing you to your sleep
Though all the world is broken
I need a place where I can make my bed
A lover's lap where I can lay my head
'Cause now the room is spinning
The day's beginning

Mar 7, 2010


(My second photo..)
"Nici un om nu poate spune dacă el este bogat sau sărac. Este inima, care face un om bogat. El este bogat sau sărac în funcţie de ceea ce el este, nu în funcţie de ceea ce are. "(Henry Ward Beecher)
"Viata este pentru a lega prietenii. Sa iubesti si sa fi iubit este cea mai frumoasa parte a existentei." (Sydney Smith)

Mar 1, 2010


Time is a brisk wind, for each hour it brings something new... but who can understand and measure its sharp breath, its mystery and its design? ~Paracelsus
(my First)